Il progetto GRAVITATE

Seminario di cultura digitale del 17 ottobre 2018 – Università di Pisa

Potenzialità e prospettive della modellazione 3d per l’analisi e similarità di forma in archeologia: il caso di studio di GRAVITATE
Michela Spagnuolo e Chiara Eva Catalano, CNR-IMATI

Digital manipulation and analysis of tangible cultural objects has the potential to bring about a revolution in way archaeology is studied. 3D modelling and processing allow handling 3D digitized objects as if they were physical, and semantic models allow for a rich documentation of many different aspects of artefacts or assets of any complexity. The integration of digital data, at the level both of shape and metadata, provides the tools to approach in a totally new way classification, stylistic analysis, or even refitting of fragments of fractured assets. Moving from qualitative, mostly text-based, descriptions towards quantitative computer-assisted analysis could bring about new insights in the area of digital cultural heritage.
In this context, the seminar will focus on theory and practice that will both document the potential of 3D modelling techniques, in the context of the work done in the European project GRAVITATE. The first part of the seminar will be devoted to computer graphics methods for reasoning on the similarity among digitized assets, targeting the re-unification, re-assembly and re-association of broken/fractured artefacts. The need for computational means to evaluate similarity will be discussed with the illustration of the possibilities and challenges in this field. The second part of the seminar will provide a hands-on session, where the shape analysis platform developed in the GRAVIATE project, named the Dashboard, will be presented with live demos of the GRAVITATE system and possibility to interact with it.


Michela Spagnuolo is the Director of CNR-IMATI, where she is leading the activities on Advanced techniques for the analysis and synthesis of 3D shapes. Her research interests include geometric and semantic modelling of 3D objects, computational topology for the analysis of shapes, method for the evaluation of similarity at the structural and semantic level. She authored more than 130 reviewed papers, is associate editor of international journals in Computer Graphics (currently, Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Desing, The Visual Computer, and Computers&Graphics). She is member of the steering committee of Shape Modeling International, EG Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval and EG Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. In 2014, she was nominated Fellow of the Eurographics Association.

Chiara Eva Catalano is a researcher at CNR IMATI in Genova, and member of the Shape and Semantics Modelling Group. She took a degree in Mathematics at the University of Parma and a Ph.D. in Mechanics and Machine Design at the University of Genova. Her research interests include geometric and feature-based modelling for industrial design, semantics in 3D modelling for applications (Cultural Heritage, Medicine, Serious Gaming), and bioinformatics.
She actively participated in many national and international projects, such as AIM@SHAPE, FOCUS K3D, GALA, MultiScaleHuman, and is currently involved in GRAVITATE. Along the years she had the opportunity to collaborate with several well-known research institutes in a very interdisciplinary perspective.