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Seminario di Cultura Digitale – Giannachi – Mapping Art
1 Aprile 2017 @ 8:00 - 17:00
Seminario di Cultura Digitale – mercoledì 5 aprile 2017 – Aula Seminari EST – Dipartimento di Informatica – Pisa
Gabriella Giannachi, Department of English, University of Exeter, UK
Mapping Art: CloudPad, ArtMaps & The Cartography of Participatory Arts Practices
The principal aim of the presentation is to outline the role of mapping in a number of projects about artistic documentation including CloudPad, a tool for the documentation and annotation of hybrid works; ArtMaps, a platform that visualizes the entire Tate collection on a map; and The Cartography of Participatory Arts Practices project, which aims to create an interactive participatory cartographic platform that aims to offer a voice and visibility to participants and audiences to participatory arts practices in arts museums. All the projects discussed at the seminar were developed collaboratively with staff in computer science at the University of Nottingham, alongside a range of other organizations including the Ludwig Boltzman Institute, Tate, Stanford Libraries, the San Francisco Film Institute, and St Jose State University. The overall aims of all projects have been to give voice to individuals in the documentation of art practices, for example by annotating an existing online record, and to help organizations to establish robust practices for the recording and sharing of individual experiences of artworks, for example by making it possible for a museum or a heritage organization to work with more marginalised practices.