
Stage post-laurea presso Cloud4Wi

Cloud4Wi (www.cloud4wi.com [1]) è una start-up nata come spin-out di WiTech (primo spin-off dell’università di Pisa).

Cloud4Wi ha sviluppato​ una piattaforma cloud unica nel suo genere che abilita il “Customer Engagement” attraverso la rete Wi-Fi presente nelle negozi, ristoranti e bar, centri commerciali, hotel, etc. Al seguente link si possono trovare ulteriori informazioni sulle soluzioni Cloud4Wi: https://files.acrobat.com/a/preview/804d9d29-aafe-4fb6-ab11-b649cabf44f3 [2]

Il team di Cloud4Wi è costituito da circa 40 persone, la cui età media è sui 30-35 anni, dislocate nelle varie sedi presenti in tutto il mondo (San Francisco – sede principale – Pisa, Londra, Parigi e Singapore).

Esiste la possibilità di svolgere uno stage retribuito presso la sede di Pisa di Cloud4Wi.

La figura richiesta è un WEB DESIGNER AND DEVELOPER [3] che si occuperà dello sviluppo di micro siti web, landing page, splash page e così via.

In allegato la Job Description per maggiori dettagli.


Armida Kaloti
Cloud4Wi | Channel Marketing Manager
Email: akaloti@cloud4wi.com
Skype: akaloti.cloud4wi

Borsa PhD in Interaction Design

The interAction research group at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) at the University of Trento, Italy offers a scholarship for a PhD position. We are looking for a talented student enthusiast about Interaction Design and excited to work in a multidisciplinary team. The successful student will be supervised by prof. Antonella De Angeli and prof. Vincenzo D’Andrea.

Possible research areas include but are not limited to:
Public design for social innovation
Inclusive design
Aesthetics and interactive art
Musical interface design
Interested students are encouraged to send their CV along with a statement of research interest, publications (if any), a motivation letter, and the name of three possible referees to morreale@disi.unitn.it by May, 17th.

About interAction.
interAction is an international and interdisciplinary research group composed by psychologists, computer scientists, sociologists, cognitive scientists, anthropologists, artists, musicians, and designers with a common interest in the design of interactive systems. The interAction group designs and implements public, inclusive and aesthetic interactive artefacts and analyses technology through sociotechnical lenses, with special emphasis on ethical and societal challenges related to digital technologies. The research pursued by interAction is mainly focused on digital commons, methods for public design, active ageing, childhood digital literacy, territorial care services, smart cities, musical interface design, interactive and computational art, and video game design. In practical terms, the group blends case studies and theoretical analysis with empirical answers based both on scenarios of use and design solutions. In this process, technology is not considered as a goal by itself, but as a powerful tool to address themes which have an impact on people and society. This approach is heavily influenced by participatory design, where people do not only take an active role in the design process but also have decision-making power.

The interAction group was founded in 2014 within the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of the University of Trento, a medium-size university located in the autonomous Italian region of Trentino/Alto Adige. DISI has 1200 students, 45 professors, 91 researchers, 190 Ph.D. students and 16 administrative assistants. In the last ten years, DISI has been constantly ranking among the top Italian Departments based on internationalization, research productivity and capability to attract funding. Since 2008, DISI has worked on about 280 European, National and Local projects, attracting around 28 million euros of research funding. Since 2010, the department is part of the Italian node of the European Institute of Technology (EIT).

Informal enquiries are also welcome and may be addressed to Dr. Fabio Morreale on morreale@disi.unitn.it

Fabio Morreale, PhD
University of Trento
Research Associate at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
interAction Research Group
Via Sommarive 9, 38123, Trento – Italy
@ morreale@disi.unitn.it
☎ +39 349 072 9054

Borsa di studio a Bologna

Per un progetto di ricerca nell’ambito di Akoma Ntoso e LIME
(lime.cirsfid.unibo.it) rivolto alle realtà sia nazionale sia
internazionale, stanno cercando una risorsa junior che supporti lo
sviluppo di funzionalità legate al legal drafting cooperativo.
La persona sarà inquadrata all’interno di UNIBO con borsa di studio di un anno per 30 ore settimanali da svolgersi con orario flessibile.
Dovrà aver conseguito la laurea triennale o specialistica da non più di due anni. Dovrà lavorare presso il CIRSFID di Bologna.

Requisiti fondamentali
Laurea in Informatica, Ingegneria o Informatica o equipollente
In realtà l’importante è avere solide basi di programmazione
XML, XSLT, tecnologie web, Javascritp, Fondamenti di HCI

Interesse per la visualization, open data, eParticipation,  eDemocracy
Interesse per attività sistemistiche e gestione lato server
Interesse ad apprendere sulle piattaforme mongoDB ed eXist
Conoscere almeno una delle seguenti lingue a livello di lettura dei testi: Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo

Passione per la ricerca in campo legale
Orientamento alla sperimentazione e al superamento dello stato dell’arte
Pensiero analitico e interdisciplinare
Attività propositiva di soluzioni innovative
Forte propensione a lavorare in gruppo
Disponibilità e flessibilità
Spirito di adattamento a situazioni stimolanti

Lavoro alla Uplink Web Agency

L’azienda Uplink Web Agency Srl  sta cercando un nuovo programmatore per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web e mobile per la sede principale (Cecina). Se interessati inviare il proprio CV a
Alessandra Giammalva
Software Project Leader
a.giammalva at uplink.it

Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies Visiting Research Fellowships-Call for applications

The University of Pennsylvania Libraries is pleased to announce a new initiative, the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (SIMS) Visiting Research Fellowship program. Guided by the vision of its founders, Lawrence J. Schoenberg and Barbara Brizdle Schoenberg, SIMS aims to bring manuscript culture, modern technology, and people together to provide access to and understanding of our shared intellectual heritage. Part of the Penn Libraries, SIMS oversees an extensive collection of pre-modern manuscripts from around the world, with a special focus on the history of philosophy and science, and creates open-access digital content to support the study of its collections.  SIMS also hosts the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts and the annual Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, now in its eighth year.

The SIMS Visiting Research Fellowships have been established to encourage research relating to the pre-modern manuscript collections at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries, including the Schoenberg Collection.  Affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, located near other manuscript-rich research collections (the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, the Free Library of Philadelphia, the Chemical Heritage Foundation, and the Rosenbach Museum and Library, among many others), and linked to the local and international scholarly communities, SIMS offers fellows a network of resources and opportunities for collaboration. Fellows will be encouraged to interact with SIMS staff, Penn faculty, and other medieval and early modern scholars in the Philadelphia area. Fellows will also be expected to present their research at Penn Libraries either during the term of the fellowship or on a selected date following the completion of the term.

Applicants can apply to spend 1, 2, or 3 months at SIMS. Project proposals should demonstrate that the Libraries’ pre-modern manuscript resources are integral to proposed research topics. Recipients will be expected to work on-site at Penn Libraries for the duration of their fellowship, excluding possible short research trips in support of the proposed project to nearby institutions. Proposals with a digital component are encouraged though not required. A total of $15,000 per year will be divided among up to 3 fellows in increments of $5,000 per month. Awards must be used between July 1, 2015, and June 30, 2016.

Applications are due May 15, 2015. For more information on eligibility and the application process, go to: http://schoenberginstitute.org/visiting-research-fellowships.

For more information on SIMS, go to http://schoenberginstitute.org/. For more information on the Schoenberg Collection of Manuscripts, go to http://sceti.library.upenn.edu/schoenberg. On Penn’s pre-modern manuscript holdings in general, go to: http://dla.library.upenn.edu/dla/medren.

Job opportunity! Digital Project Manager, Cultures of Knowledge

University of Oxford is seeking a full-time project manager for Cultures of Knowledge, currently tenable for two years from April 2015. Do you love early modern letters? Are you passionate about the possibilities of the digital humanities in our connected world? We’d love to hear from you!

This is a unique opportunity to help lead one of Oxford University’s largest and most exciting digital humanities projects. The successful candidate will coordinate the further development of our flagship union catalogue, Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO), liaising between our technical and editorial teams and helping to coordinate our expanding community of contributors. No coding skills are required, but the successful applicant will have a keen interest in the digital humanities, an enthusiasm for the project, and excellent organisational and communication skills.

Please click here for further details and to apply: https://www.recruit.ox.ac.uk/pls/hrisliverecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=117413

The deadline for applications is noon on Wednesday 8th April. Project blog post: http://www.culturesofknowledge.org/?page_id=6

Ricercatore a tempo determinato in Canada

All’indirizzo seguente http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/italy-italie/highlights-faits/2015/innovation_2015.aspx?lang=eng  si trova un bando per finanziare (fino a un massimo di 3000 dollari canadesi) un “ricercatore” italiano interessato a passare un breve periodo presso una istituzione canadese, per iniziare o portare avanti una qualche attivita’ di ricerca congiunta.
Se ci fosse qualcuno interessato a questa possibilita’,
con argomenti di ricerca che possano essere di interesse
anche per la Faculty of Information a Toronto, si prega di contattare il Prof. Vittore Casarosa attualmente a Toronto.
La scadenza e’ il primo Aprile (not fool!).

Borsa di studio per l’ADHO

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) seeks applicants for its 2015-2016 Communications fellowship. Working on a small team, the fellow will write news releases, blog posts and announcements about ADHO, its constituent organizations, and the broader digital humanities community; monitor and update ADHO’s social media presence; maintain its web site; help to develop and implement ADHO’s outreach strategy; and perform other
communications-related responsibilities. The Communications fellow should anticipate spending approximately 3-4 hours per week on the position. The fellowship comes with a small annual stipend of 600 Euros. It is well-suited for graduate students who wish to develop deeper knowledge of digital humanities, contribute to an important digital humanities professional organization, and gain experience in social media and communications.

Desired skills and qualifications include:
– fluency in more than one language- excellent written  communication skills
– knowledge of the digital humanities community
– expertise in social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook
– experience creating content using Drupal or another content management system
– good graphic design and multimedia editing skills
– ability to work with minimal supervision
– attention to detail

To apply, submit a CV or résumé, a brief writing sample, three letters of reference, and a cover letter describing your interest in and
qualifications for the position to Lisa Spiro, chair of ADHO’s
communications committee: lisamspiro@gmail.com. The application deadline is March 30, 2015. Two positions will be available. The fellowship will run from June 15, 2015 to June 15, 2016.

Assegno di Ricerca presso EIT ICT Labs di Trento ed ISTI-CNR di Pisa

Il laboratorio di interfacce utente HIIS dell’ ISTI-CNR di Pisa
(http://hiis.isti.cnr.it) in collaborazione con l’ European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) ICT Labs offre un assegno annuale di ricerca nell’ambito dell’ High Impact Initiative Street Smart Retail.

I dettagli della posizione sono i seguenti.

Tematica di Ricerca: “Sviluppo di Applicazioni Interattive per Smart Retail”


Diploma di laurea in Informatica, Informatica per le discipline umanistiche o Ingegneria Informatica;
Conoscenza di linguaggi per sviluppo di interfacce utente;
Conoscenza di Content Management Systems;
Esperienza in programmazione web e/o Java;
Conoscenza della lingua inglese;
Conoscenza della lingua italiana (solo per i candidati stranieri).